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I am an illustrator, painter and author who lives and works in Sicily, in Catania, on the sea, at the foot of Etna.

As an author and / or illustrator I have conceived and designed many books for children, publishing with the most important Italian publishing houses. Some of my titles have also been published abroad, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Korea, the USA and China.

The illustrations of my books have been selected for numerous and important group exhibitions and on the occasion of festivals and specialized reviews, around Italy and abroad.

For many years I have been dealing with children’s books also in terms of training teachers and children with courses in image education and book construction.

I especially like to design and illustrate that special type of books that are illustrated books, to develop their cultural, artistic and communicative potential for adults and children.

Although the book remains the privileged container for my images, in recent years I have begun a work of graphic and pictorial research outside the pages, to go beyond the walls, with works on the themes of the sea and botany, exhibited on the occasion of some exhibitions personal.

In my work I am very interested in research through experimentation. I created images and illustrations for videos, objects and fabrics.

Nature reinterpreted, redesigned, interpreted in a selective and poetic synthetic sign is one of the favorite themes in my artistic research.

Premio Andersen - Lucia Scuderi

For a rigorous and coherent path marked by an inexhaustible curiosity and desire for discovery.
For having known, from the outset, to assert itself for the originality of a decisive and at the same time warm and intense sign.
For never having been satisfied with the results achieved by comparing with new techniques and, even more, by modulating its sign in relation to the texts to be interpreted.


Lucia Scuderi - Italian Books
Italian Books
Lucia Scuderi - Libri Stranieri
International Books




The awards include the Andersen Prize as illustrator of the year in 2013, 2004, the Andersen Prize for Best Book illustrated with the Rhinoceros book, in 2009 and 1999 White Ravens Prize (selection of the 10 best Italian titles) of the International Library of Monaco. In 2010 Paper Sprouts Award with Goodnight Isabella.

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Premio Andersen - Rinoceronte | Lucia Scuderi - Illustratrice, autrice, pittrice
Premio Germogli di Carta | Lucia Scuderi - Illustratrice, autrice, pittrice in Sicilia


Atlante Vegetale | Lucia Scuderi - Illustratrice, autrice, pittrice
Atlante vegetale – 2019

Palazzo Della Cultura
Via Vittorio Emanuele II 121, Catania

MARE | Lucia Scuderi - Illustratrice, autrice, pittrice
MARE – 2018

Personale. Wondertime, soloshow. LAD
Via Filippo Paladino, Catania

Botanica | Lucia Scuderi - Illustratrice, autrice, pittrice
In FIORE – 2017

Museum & Fashion MF
Piazza Duca di Genova 27, Catania


Mostra di Originali – Vivo D’Emilio
Largo Paisello 29, Catania

error: Contenuti protetti.